So although this post is long-it pretty much covers my week. So much for having any time to myself before the summer vacation-But Hey, "Schools Out for Summer!"
On Wednesday Mikayla Graduated from Elementary School. She was glad to say "Good Bye" to 6th Grade. Although, she was nominated by the entire 6th grade as-
"The Cutest Girl" and her friend Eric Ascione was voted "The Cutest Boy".
She was also voted by the 6th grade class to have the "Prettiest Hair", and her friend Nathan (also one of her best friends and Science partner) was voted the "Coolest Hair". --I personally think that they are right. But I am her mother.
Here is Mikayla with some of her "goofy" friends- Joan, Sophie and Rachel.
Next we were graced in the Girl Scout End of Year party-where our Meggie was honored. She had a great time this past year learning how to cook, grow plants, learn about the eco system and selling Girl Scout Cookies.
Here she is playing at the Park.
Today is the last day of school, I am hopeful in keeping everyone busy and having fun. I always look forward to summer with my kids, as they are SO busy during the school year. This summer will NOT be cut short! I am healthy!
Mikayla and Miss Robinson
Megan and Miss Klauzar--She was the BEST teacher for our Megs.
Mason and Mrs.Tenney
Teachers at Noah Webster, you did a fabulous job this year! Thanks so very much!
Mace and his buddies.
Summer time is here again! Gotta love it. My kids will be out next Wednesday and then they are off to their Dad's for 3 weeks
Congrats on the nominations, Mikayla. The only thing I was ever nominated for was "biggest change in four years" my senior year. I never quite knew what to do with that.
Yay Mikayla!
And, 3 Hip Hooray's for SUMMER!!!
I am so jealous!!!!We are in school forever this year and school starts back up at the end of August. I think that school should start after Labor Day and be out the weekend of Memorial Day, but sadly no one ever asks me. Looks like your children had a great year!!
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