Friday, August 22, 2008

Perma Grin!

Well for me right now, it has been so frustrating to not be able to be working out. I feel like all I do is stare at the four walls surrounding me! Grrrr... Yesterday was such a beautiful day and seriously for the entire day, my bike was calling to me. I was dying inside-I wanted to be out riding. I just wanted to feel the wind on my face. So all afternoon I debated whether to go ride for a few minutes or not. Afterall, I am getting stronger and better everyday. I finally gave in to good common sense and reality. I decided to wait until Steve got home. BUT---he made my whole day! He rode with me. YES!!! I got on my bike and rode. Although it was a only a few blocks, and I was tired, it felt great! My quads were just so excited to be back on the move! My whole day was made, and I have 12 more days until I will start the journey to recovery again, so I plan on riding some more- and yes it will be with someone, and I promise NO HILLS! I have a new goal too- I will be back in the gym riding and training for next year by the end of October. Watch and wait---it will happen.


Emilie said...

Wow it is hard to believe that it is possible to like working out that much! I wish I shared your enthusiasm, but I am glad you are feeling better!

Maleen said...

You will be working out again in October because I have never seen anyone with the kind of will power you have. It is truly incredible. I am glad you got to go riding.

Deanne said...

Yay! If you're going on non-hill rides that I could do on my Wal-Mart bike count me in! I can use my elbow now thanks to a cortisone injection!!! I have no doubt you'll be back to working out as soon as you're able, and I'm committed to be there too. It will be good to be back on track and to have our early morning bonding back. I've missed it terribly!

Evan said...

"You can do it!" - Think movie: Water Boy

Kristel said...

You sure married well Keri, Steve is a good man. I'm glad you are slowly feeling better.

Barb said...

You'll do it Ker! I have no doubt!