Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Last Days of Summer Break

Where has summer gone?! It has been a breeze by for the Scoresby family. Sheesh. This past week my cousin Kim called and wanted us to go hang with them at this little creek. It was nothing fancy, but the kids played for hours in the water. I am now a believer that all kids need is a little water, a few rocks, and sticks and they can be entertained at any age.

I could not tell you where this creek was-I do know it was somewhere in Pleasant Grove. But the kids spent hours making a dam.

Meg was the pack horse of the group. She was hauling rock and big ol' branches.

Here are all of the cousins- Brooke, Sabina, Malerie, and Paige. Carson, Kali, Mikayla, Meg and Mace. We are so lucky to have cousins close by.

My cousins- Trina, Kim and I just gellin out watching the kids play.

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