Saturday, March 15, 2008

Our Geo-Caching Adventure

Our kids get out of school early on Fridays. We have been so busy lately with dance, work, church etc. That I decided to take a few hours and play. So, I pulled up a few caches in the area, and I hit a jackpot! It was such a cool cache. It was up in the foothills of the Lindon/Orem area. We took our friends the Miranda's and had a blast. The real estate was amazing first of all, and the wild life was even better. We saw three deer in the front yard of this home. We were all freakin out! I stopped (yes in the middle of the street)to take a photo, but was too late. We then had to hike to the top of this hill to find our treasure. Here are some photos of the cache-and some photos of the awesome view of Orem, Provo, and Utah Lake.
Anthony Miranda found his first cache! Let me tell you he was excited and caught the geo-caching bug! (Sorry Heidi!)

View of the valley. It was a little dreary, and quite chilly. Freakin Mother Nature. It was nice when we left!

The "Caching Crew"- Heidi, Camille, Megan, Mason (whose bum is bent over), Anthony, Izzy, and Mikayla.


Barb said...

You said it was such a cool cache but you didn't tell us what the cache was? What is it? I'm dying here.

Chelle! said...

I have to admit, I have never been on such an adventure. I think you should take me sometime. It looks INTERESTING!

Kristel said...

It's worth going to the junky ones once you fine a fabulous one, isn't it?! My family still thinks that geocaching (and my interest in it) is lame. Crazy Kones, they just don't get it.

{jane} said...

I could google it, but I don't have the extra 5 seconds right now...what is Caching?

Maleen said...

Okay Ker, when you take Michelle, you must bring me and the girls. It would be a blast (they LOVE Michelle by the way).

Jodi said...

My interest in always piqued when you post about geo-caching. What type of things do you find? And do you leave it there after you have found it or do you get to keep it? It sounds like cheap family fun. We need to try it out!

Anonymous said...

You are awesome mom. I want to grow to an awesome mom just like you. I'm glad had so much fun.