Saturday, August 11, 2007

Treasure Hunters

-I am addicted! I admit it, I have an addiction to "geocaching". We go any chance I get. Our family has seen some pretty amazing sites this summer. Just this week I discovered a little lake here in Utah that I didnt know existed-in Highland! How crazy is that?! Then we discovered this way cool grotto/cave in American Fork canyon. It's been fun, memorable, and we have loved leaving a little bit of us all over Utah and Idaho this summer. Here are some photos of this past weeks adventure.


Deanne said...

How fun! I still want to go with you guys sometime. We'll have to plan a time. It's so fun to have a new addiction-especially one that brings your family together!

Kellie said...

I was telling Brent about this last night! He had never heard of it and thought it sounded so cool... Some day we will have to figure out a way to go or hopefully our friends might invite us...? Lol!

Jodi said...

Wow- you guys are awesome! There is nothing like being outside in the summer! You guys have sure enjoyed it!