Monday, June 2, 2008

Schools Out for the Summer!

YEAH! I always love the Summer Break! I like to think that my life slows down, but reality says "No! It does not slow down!" I ask myself "why is that?" and well, I have come to the conclusion that I like to play hard, and more importantly I like to play hard with the kids! AND the break from the routine is good for me! So-we will once again fill those lazy days of summer with action packed fun, and OK maybe a few days of lazy.
Here is a re-cap of the past two weeks of school. First of all Megan did her "Tone Chime Concert". Now that was exciting. At least it was for her, she loves music! She loves to dance, sing, play the piano-and now tone chimes. We often hear her singing songs where she makes up her own words. For instance last night she was singing "Jimmy Crack Corn". Her version was "Shimmy Sheck Corn". Go figure. Steve and I just laughed.

The next event we attended was the Noah Webster Academy Awards Assembly. We were called earlier in the week by our principal and asked that Steve and I attend. Mikayla was getting a special award and they wanted the parents there. It was quite funny, because she had no clue whatsoever as to what was going on. That morning I asked her what was happening at school that day and she said-"I don't know, just another normal day". I walked in to the auditorium and she looked at us like-"What are you here for?". Both she and Meg were recognized for their high scores on the Iowa Testing. Top 10% in the Nation. We were proud. But Mikayla was awarded the Noah Webster Achievement award. Its award entails--Individuality, Moral Virtue, Patriotism, Self Government, Conscience, Cultural Literacy, and Academic Excellence. She was very surprised, and we were very proud of our little scholar.

Next we have field day-- My fave!
I spent the first half of the day coaching Mikaylas team! They did a fab job! I loved how they ran this field day, it was very organized. Mikayla thought she was going to get away with just doing the long jump and the softball throw-but I signed her up for the 4 x 100 relay. She rocks. That girl has her mama's stride. She can run, and has decided that maybe she should do it. Of course it would make her mom proud (as I have no dancing ability whatsoever-but sports and track, Im all about that baby!)

The afternoon was spent doing the younger kids field day-Here are a few shots of Megs and Mace.

Megan Playing Dodge Ball.

Mace playing with the parachute with his class.

Caught Mace with his arm around his little girl friend Ashley.

And here are the last day of school with their teachers....

Mason and Miss Snow

Megan and Miss Gibson

Mikayla and Miss McEwan

All in all we had a great school year, great teachers, awesome school, and Straight A students, so we are happy and ready to play!


Sheri said...

I am so jealous!!! I want my children back. I can't wait for summer vacation! We have no idea if or when we are coming to Provo this year, the whole ticket issues with the Stadium of Fire kinda put the family into a frenzy! Enjoy that time off with the kids!

Stacy said...

Wow, great job on some great kids. Your kids seem so well rounded: talented and creative, plus smart AND sporty.
PS...I make up my own words to songs too, so it is not just a kid thing :)

Kristel said...

Congrats Mikayla and Megan!

Jodi said...

Sounds like a good end to a great year. I love that Mikayla has a huge smile on her face during her race! She looks like she is having a great time! congrats on all the good grades and awards. That's awesome!

Suzer said...

Yeah, congrats to the girls for the Iowa tests. Ashley earned it too in the top 10% Wahoo!

Deanne said...

Yay for summer! We're ready to play, too! Congrats on all the end of the year stuff. All their hard work paid off!

{jane} said...

hey hey! We rock climb at "The Quarry" in Provo, down by ShopKo/Cafe rio/Olive Garden/etc/'s in the back of that area....they have kids climbing camps every week of the summer, and this is the 3rd time my girls have gone - they love it!

Evan said...

Wow! That's great Mikayla and Megan! Keep up the good work.