Friday, June 27, 2008

Summer--Summer-- Summer

We have been so busy, and having so much fun. I love the ages that my kids are! It's just a great feeling being able to play things, and hike and just have a fun time! I love being a mom! Here are a few photos of our big day yesterday. It was spent up at the Mt. Timpanogos Storytelling Festival Park (BEAUTIFUL PARK I might add). This was our Thursday family group get together and the kids did a scavenger hunt, a fun craft, had lunch and made their own home made ice cream! They had a riot! Then to top the evening off Meg invited the entire neighborhood of older kids over to play night games. We had a load of kids with flashlights and thunderings of running throughout our yard.

Mace ontop of the hilltop.

Finding treasures!

Mikayla intent on her craft---(God's eyes)

Night Games! Megan really got into character with the long sleeves and hood! She was hilarious!


Barb said...

FUN! Was Steve out there with them? hehe kidding

Stacy said...

I can't wait for my kids to be a little older so they can do more stuff like this...but wait...I don't want them to grow up either. What do us mothers do?

Sheri said...

Yes it is great that they can do so many fun things. Looks like a great day!

Chelle! said...

Oh, how fun!!! You are such an incredible MOM!!!