Sunday, June 8, 2008

Team Ker

Wow! Where do I begin with this story. It has been such an emotional, exciting, gruelling weekend for me! I have worked so hard, and feel great. So I guess for posterity sake and for those of you just joining the journals and ramblings of me-I will do a quick re-cap. At the end of August, I had some pretty rough stuff I was going through, and then in September I had some major health issues hit me. Life as I knew it, pretty much sucked! I started in at the gym-I hit it hard! AND let me tell you, it was hard! (I love my friends Dean and Maleen for being there for me!) I have kept working hard daily now for 8 months. I have this new passion. It is biking. I am an official "Roadie". I love spinning. It is the hardest workout you will ever do. I promise, if you do not believe me-I challenge you to try it for two weeks, at least 3 times a week. Anyways, I have lost weight (still have some to go) and I am in great shape. I set a goal in January (after my uncle was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer) that I was going to ride in the "Little Red Riding Hood Race". It is an all female bike race, and the proceeds all go to the Huntsman Center for Cancer Research. A few friends were going to ride with me, and so was my cousin Kim.

My winter and spring have been hard, as I have had to stay disciplined in working out and staying focused, as my Uncle was failing in health. I love my Uncle almost as much as I love my own Daddy, not to mention Kim who is not only my cousin but one of my Best Friends. So when we brought him home to die a month ago, I wasnt quite sure that I still wanted to do this race. Kim and I were suppose to do this race together and our Dads were going to be there watching us. My sweet Uncle passed last month.

Yesterday, I raced. There were many times I wanted to back out of this race. I was nervous for the unknown-I have run hundreds of track races, I have competed and played ball and never given it a second thought. BUT I am 41! Sheesh! What am I thinking! My friends were not able to do this race at this time, and Kim was unable to do it either which made it even harder for me to keep my head in the game. BUT I did it.

Heavenly Father has sent many blessings and comfort to me the past little while. On Thursday, I was in my garage putting my mini pack on my bike. When Dave Hawkes shows up in my garage. He hugs me and says "Ker good luck on Saturday, you will do great. Remember you have already won the race. You took control of your life by hitting the gym every day. And you will never go back to where you were. This is your time for you. It's your race. Its just you and your bike. Go have fun!" He will never know how much that meant to me that day. As just minutes before, I was full of fear and uncertainty and tears.

So, I left of Friday afternoon with my friends Lynette Woolf, and Lily Hight-and we met our "Roadie Team" in Logan Utah for dinner. We spent the night and got up bright and early yesterday morning to race with 2500 other women. WOW-what an amazing sight and what energy was there. And yes, I felt the same way I did on race day during track season. I wanted to puke.

It was so cool! I will just say now-that I could NOT have done this race without my dad there-and my Mom too. My dad in all the years I have raced and competed, my Dad has NEVER missed a race. And at 41 my daddy was still there. I love you dad! This race was a different route than Audra (our instructor) had told us. She was even in shock of the difficulty. Although it was a long ride, it was suppose to be flat and a few rollers. Um-NO-Not flat at all! The weather was terrible, cold and windy and then you put in hills. Not little rollers, we are talking hills! Wind and Hills-not good. I fought the wind all day. It took every ounce of energy I had to keep my bike on the road. If you have never ridden a road bike, they are so light, and so it dosent take much to move those babies. It was hard! There were times I was climbing and my legs were killing me-that I was literally wanting to stop and cry. I think that I spent more time praying yesterday than I have in a LONG time.

My Dad knows me well, he would drive the car ahead of me-knowing full well when I would need some fuel and encouragement. It was great-just knowing that someone was there to give you that boost and smile and hope to make the next 10-15 miles. I only bonked once (bonking:loss of fuel-hit your wall). My mama was ready for me with apples, oranges, grapes, protein! They were my regular pit crew. Then I had a couple of my friends that came to watch who turned into my camera crew. Make sure you check out the slide show- (thanks Mindy and Tracy! I am so glad that you were there to support me!)

Yeah, I have a bad knee, so I was worried that with all of the strain and strength I was using I would blow it out. I am glad that I listened to my body, because I know I would be in bad shape today if I hadnt listened. I am proud to say that I finished the 62 mile route! It now is ranked the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Kings Peak held the record for 12 years. That one has been laid to rest.

Little does Steve know,that this aint over yet. I have loved doing this, and will do it again. I thank him so much for the support. He has been great, I know he has been so worried about me and my safety (he hates the idea of me being clipped into the pedals). I'm so thankful for my parents and all of my friends who have called, emailed me, and texted me their best wishes. It has meant alot. A HUGE thanks to Helen and Kevin-wow you totally helped make this possible for me! You rock! I am truly blessed with great fam and great friends.

After 62 miles I am doing great. I feel awesome-no real pain. My dad was sure that my rear would hurt-I kept telling him that my bike shorts had padding, plus I have callouses on my rear from all the months of biking. I reached a huge goal this year! Next year I will ride it again and the Utah Ulcer ride- 100 miles around Utah Lake. You just watch! I will do it! AND if any of you want to try it out-join me- YOU WILL LOVE IT BABY! It's a great addiction!


Maleen said...

Ker, I think you are absolutely amazing. You have done so much to capture the moment and live your dreams. You always seem so busy, but it is all good stuff that strengthens you and your family. I think you are one of those people who can look back with very few regrets. I really look up to you. Congratulations on finishing your race...and looking forward to more.

Traci said...

Congrats Ker! You are AMAZING! What an incredible accomplishment.

The Payson Olsen's said...

Ker~ I am so proud of you, What an amazing experience, and you captured every moment of it, those pictures are PRICELESS. I love seeing you parents that every step of the way. Wow, that is cool. You are amazing, I wish I could be like you. You are an amazing mother, friend, wife...... We will have to plan some summer activities with the kids... Not only are you amazing cousion (by marriage) but you are an amazing friend and I thank you for that. I am so proud of you!!!! Keep up the good work. We love you!

Eric, Shay, Kamree & Strahlee

Cindy B said...

Wow, Keri, you are totally my hero! I am so proud of you and so impressed at the way you have taken control of your life. You are just an inspiration.

Barb said...

Way to go Ker! You did it!

Doug and Becca said...

Yea!!! I think you are amazing for going through with all the pain, cold and rain and finished the race. I can just feel how annoying it would be to come up on those hills and thinking, wasn't this supposed to be mostly FLAT road!!! I felt that way a lot in spin class. I can't believe you want to race around Utah've almost inspired me to want to do it. I would love to get back in to spinning I just don't want to get up early and I never seem to make it at night. I totally swear by it still though. I talked to Dawn and she was worried about you with your knee being all swollen. GREAT JOB!

Tamalama said...

WooHoo! Yea for you! You have always secretly been one of my heroes. I should have told you sooner:)

jennaloha said...

my butt hurts just reading about it.

I'm impressed with your drive and ambition. Good job!

Deanne said...

You are the woman! I am so proud of you for going through with your goal. I wish I could have been there with you (ok, maybe not after hearing about the cold and wind and hills). But I do wish my schedule would have worked out to come and be a cheerleader. Congratulations!

Sheri said...

I am amazed at you. You are inspiring and courageous!!! What a gift you are to family and friends. Thanks for sharing your story. You go girl!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Go momma! I am so proud of you. That is such an awesome accomplishment and you should feel proud. Hope everything is going good.

Thanks again for helping me out. You are great!

Emilie said...

I honestly can't believe that it was 62 miles long...great job! Oh and by the way, I wouldn't have guessed that you are 41 you look great!

Anonymous said...

You are AMAZING!!!!!!! can i be like you when i grow up???

Tammy said...

Wow, that is a great accomplishment! Very incredible! Inspiring actually. I enjoyed the pictures and reading about it. You are awesome.

Evan said...

that's totally awesome keri! wish i had that much discipline.

Rynell said...

HOORAY! Way to go! I'm very impressed with your determination. I, too, agree that spinning feels awesome. I haven't gotten into road biking, but I hope to one day follow your lead.

Stacy said...

I am thoroughly impressed. What an inspiration. Where do you go spinning at? I go 2-3 times a week at the North Orem Gold's Gym at 9:15am, would love to see you there! I definately have been making progress by doing that class and powerpump, but I don't see myself riding 62 miles...crazy!

Candy said...

WOW!!! That is an awesome acheivement. I am so impressed. I would love to try it when I drop a bit more weight (have to get my heart in shape first). Then hopefully next summer I could start training with you. We could be biker buds ;)

Wright Family said...


Jodi said...

Wow way to go Ker! You are super woman! It takes SO much dedication to get in shape like that- you are amazing!