Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Utah Dance Fest

***I have been behind in my blogging, and I am trying to catch up, being that I will be using this as my journal and in June it will be made into my 1st years blog book.
This entry actually took place a two weekends ago-but hasnt been posted yet, due to the passing of my sweet uncle.

This is by far our very favorite competition of the year! The girls love it, the directors love it, and the parents love it! It is held in Logan Utah. Every year, we have a BLAST! This year was quite the experience to say the least.
We have always gone with Mikaylas duo partner Jill and her mom Lorraine. We had a blast (for the most part).

I was a little nervous in going, as my Uncle was so sick and things were not looking that great. BUT, I decided I needed a break from the bedside vigil and get out of town.

We arrived early Friday afternoon for the solo's, duo's and trio events. We arrived at our hotel. We stayed at the Econo Lodge because Lorraine forgot to make our reservations. It was a "dive" but we were able to upgrade and the room ended up being great for the most part. Afterall, we were hardly there. We got our girls all ready and went to compete our last duo- "jeans" for the season. Now mind you, our girls have been competing this number for 2 seasons and have always done well. Usually 1st place or queen. Their director Cassie-did a fabulous job on the choreography and the music and girls are just cute! Well, the past few comps, our girls started getting a little cocky. They just knew they were going to win. So it is their turn, they are totally not nervous, and felt that they had it in the bag. Well right in the middle of it-the music skipped about 12 counts. The girls just didnt quite know what to do. This had never happened to them before! Both Lorraine and I were in shock! They never stopped the music to let them re-start. It was the downside to the disaster. Of course they finished the best they could, and did NOT win! They were soooooo mad. Of course, we were ticked to. Not that they didnt win, but the people running the music would not let them have a "re-do". Yet, they had let others. I had to fly my mouth off several times and ended up talking to the people in charge. For the moms, we didnt care that there wasnt a win, we just cared that their scores reflected incompetence and also that we paid $70 for them to dance and be judged! Hello! So, this put a sour taste in their mouths for the rest of the evening. It didn't help that when we got back to the hotel that the pools heater didnt work, and that the hot tub was too hot. Grrrrr. Sorry Kayla and Jill!

We tried cheering them up by going out to eat. I even tried yodeling to get the waitress's attention. We took them shopping too-do you think it cheered them up? NO! Darn girls! They were sour puss's! Jill's dad Kyle was "ticked" to say the least and lucky for us he wasnt with us-he would have had the whole comp stopped! I am totally not kidding!

Saturday brought a better day! We only had one melt down. lol! They competed teams all day and did great! They got "gold" on all of their pieces. Center Stage did a fabulous job! All of our teams placed high. We were so proud of them all. That night we just vegged and went to a movie. The girls were great and all in all we had the best time together. It was the last comp of the season! Here are a few of the photos from the event.

Jill and Kayla hanging out in their room.

"Crying" (did I mention I love my new camera!)

"Dream Girls"

"Proud Mary"
Congrats Girls!

1 comment:

Emilie said...

What kind of camera did you get? I want a new one really bad, I am so sick of shutter delay! Love the picture of the girls with Mason what a cute fam!