Apparently there was not a nest to be found or a mama anywhere. So the little mother that she is, she brought this little baby home. She and Erica were trying so hard to get this little fledgling warm and feed it. I am sure it was just so frightened of them. Mikayla dug up worms (which gross's her out to the max) and chopped and squished as many as she could find. She sent Megs and Mace on a hunt for bugs as well.
She spent the next several hours trying to feed it and save it. Finally she asked me what I thought the percentage of it living would be--I told her not very high, because its mama wasnt around and babies need their mamas. She ran in quickly and researched the internet on everything she should do. In the end, she decided with tears in her eyes that they should take the baby back to where they got it, and hope that the mama wasnt the dead bird and that the mama would come looking for it. Not likely, but she was hopeful.
My poor little girl had to learn a sad lesson. But I am so proud of her. She is a tender hearted little thing. Good job Mikayla and Erica.
Oh, what little sweethearts!! Too bad that they had to take the baby bird back.
That is so sweet and tender. Sometimes life lessons are hard to swallow (like mashed worms), but I think it is precious that they were trying their hardest. I hope the momma bird is still around somewhere.
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