Mike and Jen were home, Suz and Brad were home, and Barb was home too-so it was a rockin fun time! We spent the weekend mainly indoors, because it was freakin raining almost the entire time. But it gave us lots of time for Rummy and Ticket To Ride. I pretty much sucked pond water this weekend in the game department, and we wont talk about Mom's highest scoring Rummy game in the history of Rummy-lets just say it was over 700 pts!
It seems that everytime the kids are together they are busy the entire weekend playing one particular thing. This weekend they started a publishing company. I think they called it "Printing Press Express". It was pretty funny. They spent all of their time on grandmas "type writer"-non of them had ever seen one before.
On Sunday we spent the day at my folks house in Idaho Falls. It was a fun day as well. Our kids LOVE playing with their "Idaho" cousins. Mom and Dad planned a big barbeque. Derek and Jess came, Trish and Dustin came and Steve and I and all the kids. It was a belly laughing day for us. If you have never experienced my family, then you are missing out! I laughed for hours straight!
Here is a photo of Mace and Lauren- they spent the entire time in the tree house! They are great little buddies.
The four-wheelers never stop when we are at home!
And the BEST treat of all was seeing my Grandparents. I miss them so much, and it is always so good to get to see them and spend time with them.
Here is a photo of me and my sweet grandpa.
It was a fabulous weekend-it went to fast. If you would like to see more candid shots you will have to visit the Morningside Meanderings, or the Preece Lightning pages.