Wednesday, April 9, 2008

If I was "queen" for just one day!

* Please note that I am singing that song in my head right now. Saturday we spent the day at a competition with Mikayla. It was the "Gotta Move" comp at UVU. It was actually a good comp. I liked it because it was so organized and there was enough space for the girls to dance. Grandma Preece came to watch. Mikayla did great! Her and Jill did their duo in the morning and did so great! They took "Queen" which is best over-all in their catagory. We were so proud of them! That afternoon they competed as teams, and did great. Jr. Preps recieved two first places (Crying,and Proud Mary), and a second place (Dream Girls).

Some of the responses of the day were:

-Jill called her Dad to tell her she got "Queen", and he said "What, you got creamed!"
-"Queenie boppers"

Anyways, it was a fun day. Center Stage did awesome! All of the hip hop teams did great! AND our director Cassie Ford got "BEST Choreography!" WTG Cassie!, We got "Best Sportsmanship", And High Points for our studio! Yeah teams of Center Stage!


Doug and Becca said...

That's awesome. you have to be a proud mom. All the craziness of getting kids from one thing to the next sure pays off somedays huh. Congrats Mikayla

Maleen said...

I hope you really were 'Queen' today. Happy Birthday again. Your kids are all amazing. Must have something to do with their great mom.

Chelle! said...

Happy Birthday To You!!! I agree with Maleen, I hope that you were Queen for today--I am sure you received a lot of phone calls which really makes you Queen for a day!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out! I was so proud of the girls, I guess I always am. They are growing so much and becoming beautiful dancers:)

{jane} said...

Jillyn & McKayla did such a great job - way to go Queens!