Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rub a Dub Dub

Ok- so I couldnt resist posting this photo. This is what happens when you tell the kids to go clean out the pool before they swim- and they use an entire bottle of dish soap to clean it out. They not only got themselves clean, but the pool, the patio, the toys etc. clean as well. What could I do but laugh as I saw 6 sudsy kids jumping in and out of the pool and on the trampoline. Isnt summer great, and arnt kids awesome!


Deanne said...

So cute! My pool is in need of a washing, too. Maybe you could send over the experts!

Unknown said...

Fun. I wish I was there to play with them in it.

Jodi said...

wow that's actually a good idea! That is so funny!

Kellie said...

i'm totally laughing! That sounds like something my children would pull off! What did you do with all the soapy water? Does it hurt the grass? Great idea!