We kicked our week off last Sunday by having a wonderful Family Home Evening on preparing not only for our General Conference, but preparing for a beautiful Easter. Reminding us that Easter is not only for the bunny and the eggs and the yummy chocolate. BUT-it is to remember our Saviour.
This week I made chocolate covered marshmallow Easter Eggs (36 to be exact). They are yum!
I also made 3 dozen yummy sugar cookied eggs! Oh and might I mention that they have a ton of frosting on them. They are the best with a big glass of milk.
But the real fun comes with the family--a few years ago we started our "Crack off" tradition. (Thanks again to our good friends Maleen and Tyler Cazier--we love you!)
Here is a little peak of the prep.
Here is Meg intently decorating her eggs. She is so creative! She made the best "Dog egg". She is an amazing artist at age 11.
Here is Mikayla with her Black eyed Pea version of "Imma Pea". We went to the Black Eyed Pea concert this past week and she is obsessed with them.
Rolling our eggs into one another...Did you know that if you roll two hard boiled eggs into each other, only one will crack?
Josh Ellis won our "Friends" crack off! Great job Josh! His eggs was Pinkalicious.
The highlight of the weekend was our Family Crack off. We have not spent Easter with the Scoresby cousins for several years. I planned a party and we had a crack off too. Everyone brought 2 hardboiled, decorated eggs to crack off. The funniest and the winner of the best decorated eggs was done by Steve's sister Suzanne. She decorated eggs representing their brother Blake and sister in law Jenna. It was hilarious! Funny thing is the egg looked like Blake. Blake and Jen live in Arizona and couldnt be here with us. We all miss them a ton and so it was only fitting that we include them.
Blake cracked Jenna. Poor Jenna. Blake was the laughter of the evening. Some of the comments were-"Here hold your uncle! As Brad asked Ashley to hold his egg. Or Hey I am eating your uncle! It was a riot.
Mason and Ash cracking off.
The winner of the Cousin Crack off was ASHLEY! and her little Chick!
After Cousin egg cracking, easter crafts, easter egg hunting and a barbeque we had the Adult crack off!
Rich and Steve were intensly competetive but the real winner of the crack off was---
"Hen"nah Montana and AMBER!
We had a great time! Easter was a blast!
My hubs teases me that our kids are growing up thinking holidays are month long events, not a day in the month. Easter this year we participated in 7 hunts. We usually go to every city's parade in the summer, trick or treat at diff city's main streets, etc etc. Holidays should be month long :D
HAHAHA! Amber's going to love that picture! It was fun Ker! Thank you.
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