Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Family Night

So I am "Hoping" that I can convince my fam that "biking" is the bomb! We had a great Family Home Evening this week. We all biked out to the lake and back. I thought that Mace would have a hard time, but nope he rocked! He was the first one there, and the first one back. Mikayla is NOT a biker! After teaching them all the bike rules of ettiquette, it was so funny to hear Meg yell,"biker on your left!" Cracked us up. They kept getting the turn signals mixed up too-but I am sure it will come with time. Mace ran into a metal gate when he saw "AFLAC" the white duck near the river. OMG I was laughing my head off. He was NOT hurt folks. He always has to stop for the AFLAC duck. Hmmmm maybe his dad has him brain washed. I don't know. We did stop for a quick potty break for the boys in the trees and got EATEN alive by mosquitos. It was so cool to take the entire family out for a ride. It was slow going for me, but I loved the idea of us all out together. Steve, well he liked it, but lets just say he needs to work on the bum callouses. LOL.


Sheri said...

Great ride!Maybe stevey buns needs some of those padded biker shorts! Why do we call him stevey buns anyway????!!!!!

Chelle! said...

Oh, how fun!!! I love to go bike riding!!!

{jane} said...

how fun! I hope Steve heals quickly... ;)

Sally said...

What a great idea for family night!

Maleen said...

That looks like a lot of fun. I am very impressed with Mason. I am sure my girls would give out half way and say they were tired.

Unknown said...

Great idea! PS - love your family picture!!

Evan said...

I get a sore butt too when I bike.