Friday, November 9, 2007


I have been working out faithfully (every morning I leave my house at 5:45) with my good friend Deanne and Maleen (and sometimes Kari). I have lost 8 lbs and I feel great! I am off the soda and TRYING to get off the sugar! GRrrrr! But one of the things I have found that I have,is a love/hate relationship with is "spinning". That workout kicks my rear all around the block! Seriously. It is so HARD! I hate going, but I LOVE the rush when I am done! It is kind of addicting.

I finally met my goal after 5 weeks of working out-to spin 3 times a week. I DID IT this week! I am very proud of myself because this 40 year old body wants to be 20 and have all that energy again, but unfortunately thanks to age and gravity it is twice as hard getting to this point.

Being the ding dong I am (am I blonde?), I was so excited at my accomplishment, that I didnt think things through. We had a gal in our class that coaches basketball, and since we were doing a "climbing ride", our instructor Audra asked this gal to run some basketball drills with us. Oh dang I havnt done these since High School. In my head, I am like "yeah, I can run these-no problem". Well it was no problem-(I actually still have that sprint in me)-until I was finished and now I will be babying my knee all weekend as it is now in severe pain. Nice huh!

So now I am making a note to self that there is a reason I dont run anymore. My knee's are trashed and I DONT want to have the surgery.I have seen first hand the recoup from the surgery from an old friend of mine. SO-- I spin and do water aerobics so that I dont have the impact on my knee!

But--its still a great day! I met my goal and I have 2 pounds to go to reach my doctors goal by December 1st. I am so hoping that the cholesterol is down, and that my thyroid is back in working order-BECAUSE I FEEL GREAT! And I feel like I am healthy! WOOHOO!


Evan said...

That's fantastic Keri! I'm very impressed. Keep it up! I've been thinking about getting Turbo Jam myself...we'll see.

Maleen said...

I am so impressed with you, truly. I wish I could be more of a power house and keep up with you in spinning but you show me up every time. Where do you get your energy? I'll stick to the water for now, but thanks for getting me out of bed and I think you are fantastic. Keep up the good work!

Barb said...

Great job Ker! You can do it!
What is spinning anyway?

Ker said...

spinning is the most insane workout ever created/invented! It is intense biking (stationary)It's the hardest workout you will ever love

Deanne said...

I'm so proud of you! It's so nice to have the support system. I'm sure I would have fallen off the bandwagon long ago without all of you! Way to go, Idaho! (That's from Toy Story, and I thought it fit since that's where you're from)

Wright Family said...

Way to go. I need to get back into it. It's hard when I haven't done it while but that's not excuse. Thanks for being such an awesome person. Your are amazing! Thanks again for your friendship.

The Payson Olsen's said...

Wow Ker~ I am very impressed, I am also very jelious.... I can not get my butt out of bed..... Keep up the good work, proud of you...

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! Way to go Ker. :)

Jodi said...

Wahoo! Keep up the good work- the holidays are approaching and I am already scared! You inspire me!

Doug and Becca said...

Yeah Keri!!! I am glad you are spinning now. Its the best workout out there. I just need to get back in to it. Maybe I'll see you on thursday nights??? Congrats on reaching your goal..its not easy especially with all these holidays