Sunday, October 28, 2007

Our mini vacation to VEGAS!

We spent this past week in Vegas for Steve's National Convention with AFLAC. This is his 3rd year qualifying-and let me tell you it is not something easy to do. He works very hard for our "reward" trips. We love them! It's nice to go on an all expense paid trip for a week. What company gives you spending money as well! We had a great time! We stayed in the Venetian Hotel (which was awesome!). The only thing I did not like was that I had to pay $30 a day to work out....needless to say, I chose to spend my money elsewhere and I walked for several hours everyday.

We were able to see "Mama Mia"-which I LOVED! I highly recommend it! It was a great evening. We also saw Wayne Brady LIVE. He was excellent. If you like "Whose line is it anyways", you will love his show. We had back stage passes to "Jubilee" as well. Steve especially liked this show! We went to the movies, ate, shopped, hung out with friends,played the slots and tables,and relaxed.

One of the highlights of the trip for us, was seeing our friends Angie and Gary Irvin. When Stephen first started in the insurance industry 20 years ago-Gary owned the company "Marketing and Management" that Steve worked for. Gary taught Steve everything he knows. He has always been a mentor to Steve. We had 10 years of great memories and fun with the Irvins. Since then, they sold the company to another insurance underwriter. Gary is now with AFLAC< and is a District Sales Coordinator like Steve in Arizona. It was so fun to see them and spend some time with them.

Our next trip that we are in contest for is in progress now. It is our state convention in April. It will be a 9 day cruise to the Carribbean. We are excited, and Steve-o is hitting it hard tomorrow.


Wright Family said...

Ker I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Yeah don't think it's worth paying $30 a day to work out when here it cost that for month.

Barb said...

Fun Ker. What dates are the cruise?

Jodi said...

Yeah for fun vacations! I'm glad you got to see Mama Mia, and I am really glad that you liked it! Great job Steve on a job well done!

Maleen said...

That is amazing. I can't remember the last vacation I had with my honey. Treasure those moments with Steve. You have a real keeper. He works so hard just to have you to himself for a week. How romantic.