So is it true that life gets better at 40? I am not sure quite yet. I like to still think that I am 25--but the past 2 months have shown me quite different. I am feeling 40! Grrrrr..........For all of you who know me,at the end of August I got that nasty pool virus "Crypto". I thought I wanted to die. I have a new appreciation for all of you moms who have morning sickness (especially my good friend Jamee). Can I say it was the worst! For 3weeks, my life was consumed with being in the loo.
THEN--I had to have a lovely root canal! I love my dentist (I have to say that because he and his wife are our best friends LOL). Thanks to him I feel so much better! OMG-again I wanted to die. I woke up with the worst pain in my mouth--thought that ibuprofin would help. UMMmm NO! I called Dr.Dave for some drugs....Did I mention that I cant take "Lortab". So I dont know what was worse mouth pain, or barfing. But he got me right in--Im sure that the other patrons were not too happy, when I just walked in and took a seat-like I was entitled or something. I just bawled and he nummed me, and relief was on its way. Thanks Dave! I love you!
The Saga continues....So last week, I go in for my 6 month biopsy, and to have my blood drawn--because I have a lovely thyroid disease (hoshimoto syndrome). The doc tells me I am looking pretty good as far as he can tell--hey I even lost weight (no thanks to crypto!) I'm thinking all is well till I get the dreaded call on Friday that my blood work was back and that I need a follow up consult immediately! Nice -just what I wanted to hear before the dang weekend!
Well it all boils down to this---my thyroid is non-functioning for some dumb reason, which in turn is causing some other problems. I have "High cholesterol". High enough that they were worried about me having a heart-attack or a stroke. Now mind you I am freaking 40 years old! High cholesterol is for old dudes. I was freaking out. I'm not that obese either! So, I now have to get my thyroid levels back to normal (being tested bi-monthly), and I am on cholesterol pills. I have to work out 5 days a week, and change my entire diet. AND lose 10 lbs by December first when they re-check my levels altogether again.
I have since learned that high cholesterol and heart disease is the number one killer in woment 38-45 in the US. AND 80% of the women do not know that they have high cholesterol. SO basically this was a blessing in disguise for me to find out. I have been a little (ok, ALOT) depressed this week--but thanks to my good friends Dean (Deanne), and Jamee--they are keeping me going and positive.
I bought a pass to go to the rec with Dean...Um did water aerobics with a bunch of 80 year old women (who were there to exchange recipes-lol), and I went to my first spinning class today. It is true what they say--"Spinning will kick your trash!" Yes it did mine. BUT I lasted the whole hour without stopping and I have jello legs, and a sore hynie! BUT I am determined to not be in that high cholesterol catagory come December 1st!
I want to be able to say that "40 is Fabulous!" Wish me luck!
Ker, we are all behind you. If anyone can tell this Cholesterol problem where to go, it's you. You are one of the toughest ladies I know. I love you Keri.
Maleen is right. We are here for you. Whatever we can do to help you reach your goals we'll do it. Even if that means we have to drag you out of bed to go work out with us. You are amazing women and I totally look up to you. Lots of love.
I met woman not women.
You can do it Ker!
Hi cholesterol at 40? Try having it age 30 like me!
Geez Keri, September seemed to be a bad month for you. I keep seeing these commercials that say "40 is the new 20." With all that working out and diet changes you just might feel 20 again :)
p.s. your kids did great for me tonight.
I know you're going to kick the cholesterol's trash! Cholesterol who? You are going to do this!!! I can't wait for your appointment in December.
Hey Keri, sorry to hear that you've had so much bad news lately. Maybe you should go hang out with your neighbor for support (hint, hint!) You know I'm still here and I care about you.
I'm glad you're spinning Keri! It will definitely get you in shape and you'll see great results. I love it! You guys need to come on Thursday night would be so much fun.
(I'm finally tuning in... it's a good thing I get half of my info from the rumor mill or I would be out of it!)
SO- since when are you 40? You've never been a day over 25 since I met you- so this little caveat in the “circle of life” is nothing that Keri Scoresby can’t handle. Raise your glass of green juice to a new life of exercise and whole grains!
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