OK so who wouldnt love this sweet little face?
Let me tell you, I just had one of those--crawl under the rug moments.
We were driving to school, and you know, he is so darn cute in his uniform and well, we are driving along singing to the High School Musical 2 music, and out pops his finger from his nose. I know, your thinking "nice"-well if you dont want to be grossed out, stop reading now.
-He held out the grossest, biggest, boogie EVER!
Wouldnt you know, I didnt have any tissues with me, because I used them all yesterday when he barfed in my car. I was grossing out, and he was freaking out-because I kept saying dont eat that, dont wipe that on the seat, dont get that on your clothes, dont get that all over my car--SOOOOOO the little stinker opens the window and starts flicking his fingers and waving his hands in hopes that the booger will fly off.
He waves rapidly over and over and the darn thing wont fling off! So, we hit the school zone and slow--way down. He is still flapping wildly-we come to a stop sign where a cute little old guy is the crossing gaurd--and Mason waves and says hi to him daily. Well not anymore as we have to find a new route to school. Mason gives his hand a huge flick and guess what goes flying off and hits the little old crossing gaurd! Yep---the booger! I died. Mason looks at me and says "mom!" I was mortified--I gunned the van and we were off. I am still dying at the fact that this poor little guy got a boogie flicked on him. I guess now I will have to get the dreaded bumper sticker that says-"If you drive to close I'll flick a booger on you!"