Well, it is official, December is here! We woke with snow coming down, and I would like to say that it came with a vengence, but it did not. Although, Utah county did see 2-3 inches, and the kids had a great time in the snow. I love December, not only because its the month of Christmas, but because it is a month of tradition for our family.
On December 1st (since our kids were little), we have our own little secret elf "Dugan" that comes and leaves a little package for the kids. The gift usually includes an ornament for each kid(then when the kids get older, they can take them with them), it has either a book or a Christmas DVD. This year it was a DVD, and a Christmas count down chain. Each link has a daily activity that we are to do each day as a family to prepare for the holiday. Now mind you, a lot of thinking and preparation goes into this big event. Our children LOVE it, and thats all they talk about in Novemeber. Wondering and anticipating the arrival of Dugan.
This year my father came and brought the gift--informing the kids that as he was pulling into the neighborhood, a funny little man stopped him and asked him if he was Mikayla, Meg and Mace's grandpa. He asked grandpa to deliver the gift. Well-if eyes could be saucers, Meg and Mason took the cake! It was awesome. They were thrilled! This year we have a little miniture stuffed elf that came with the package. He is magical-he moves around the house spying on naughty or nice children and reporting to Santa. Mason is intruiged. Santa also leaves them with a letter-reminding them the real meaning for the season and encourages service, love and time. It is such a great tradition.
Yesterday (Day 24) The kids got to decorate the family room with chains, snowflakes and snowmen. We had a great time doing it! The girls loved making the chain. Mikayla's topped off at 402 links, and Megs at 200.
Today (Day 23) We started our "Joy" journal. We are taking Pres. Eyerings talk to heart and recording daily the things that bring us joy and that we are grateful for. And we watched the 1st Presidencys message.
WOW!!! I just love your tradition. I need to write that one down. The "joy journal" what a fabulous idea (and darling journal--you did a fabulous job)to remember the important things in life.
Love it! Thanks for letting me steal the idea, even though lazy old Maurice hasn't shown up yet. He's not quite on top of it as Dugan. LOVE LOVE LOVE the joy journal, and I love our legless elves! The kids did a fabulous job decorating. What an awesome tradition!
I had forgotten about the elf part. I really like that. And the ornaments. You are a treasure trove of ideas. You really should write a book--I'd buy it!
That's great Ker. I love your tradition. I've been trying to find joy/humor in each of my days. It helps!!
This is the first I've heard of your tradition and though it sounds like a TON of prep work, how fun for your family. Your kids will remember it for the rest of their days!
This is the first I've heard of your tradition and though it sounds like a TON of prep work, how fun for your family. Your kids will remember it for the rest of their days!
That is awesome. I need to start more tradition. Thanks for sharing.
K so do you have a prep list of this fun tradition? That you might want to share? Our house got one single chain done with an act of service on each but yours sounds sooooo fun! Thanks for sharing the excitement!
Those are such fun traditions! I might have to steal them!! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, you are making me look like a bad mom!!! just kidding..... That is such a great idea.... I hope you don't mind that I steal it.... I think all of moms can say if we don't do something like that we will be VERY VERY Sorry, as we all know our minds go quick with each kid (well at least mine).... Thanks for sharing that Idea.... WE need to get together SOON!!!!!!!!!
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