In the dance world we sometimes get to travel. This season has been no exception. Knowing that we were going to New York City, Mikayla had to pre-qualifiy all of their dance numbers. There are only so many spots per catagory at each regional city. Well we had to get the trio qualified, and so Arizona was the last city that was close enough for us to go. So I took Mikayla and Emilee Clark and Megs and we drove to Phoenix for a long weekend. Essy and her mom flew.

While we were in Arizona we stayed with the Boltz family. Megan loved spending time with Logan in the pool.
These 3 lovely ladies spent their time rehearsing and dancing. LOVE the blue shadow!
They did their trio- "Walk the Line". Choreographed by Janalyn Memmott.
They are a little sassy, but their costumes ROCKED!
What am I saying? They ROCKED! They got a platinum award. Yeah baby they came and did their job-plus some. We were proud. Have I ever mentioned that Mikayla is a beast before she competes. BUT when she is done-she is awesome. She is in the zone on comp days.
We got to see our Aunt Nen and Cousin Claire. It was fun! We drank some
Starbucks, and the girls rode the escalators. It was uber fun to see them.
My crashed out babies on the long car ride home.
Thanks for the amazing weekend in April Mikayla, Megan and Mem!